For the new knitter in the first session, I hand out the following.
1. A sheet from a package of the handouts that the Michael's stores use for their knitting classes. (When I was doing the volunteer teaching as part of the Craft Yarn Council of America certification program, the knitting teacher at Michael's was so grateful for the assistance I provided that she gave me a full package of these handouts.)
2. A sheet listing all of the differences between knit and purl stitches - I empasize that the purl is the reverse of the knit in every aspect.
3. The preworked sample of knitting that I described in the blog entry at
For the slightly more experienced knitter, at the "pattern reading and more" session, I hand out the following:
1. A sheet describing a couple of different increases and decreases.
2. The Bernat pattern sheets used for reading patterns - see the related blog entry at
3. A sample schematic for a sweater.
I also do a lot of drawing on either a whiteboard or a piece of paper, especially when discussing the baby afghan pattern - both for the shape and for the stitch pattern.
I am thinking of converting the pattern reading course into a PowerPoint slide show - I think that will work out really well.
What do you use for visual aids and handouts? Please comment.
Judy Obee
My Knitting Website
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